Sometimes the conversations at work get a little interesting to say the least.
Exhibit A:
Miss Runs on Coffee: What is a friendly disease?
Me: An STD.
Miss Runs on Coffee: Yeah, I was thinking syphilis.
Me: People tend to be "friendly" while they are getting it.
Mrs. Independent: Can you get it from facebook?
Me: Possibly, but all of myspace is definitely one big STD.
Exhibit B:
Me: Okay here are the bubbles and the balls for the relay bags.
Mrs. Lilly White: (look of horror while trying to hide the fact that she was laughing uncontrollably)
Me: What?!? That's how I roll.
Mrs. Lilly White: (still more uncontrollable laughter)
Me: Okay, so if we run out of balls then we will just have children with no balls.
Mrs. Lilly White: (nothing was really said just more laughter and I am fairly certain she almost peed her pants)