Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pull My Finger

As "He Who Has No Name" and I were sitting on my couch.....BTW I always want to spell couch as coach and if I were posting about sitting on my "coach" this would be a totally different site. Tangent end. So we are sitting on my COUCH when he says, "Hey look".

Now I have known this man for about 11 years so my first thought was 'No I will not pull your finger'.

When I look over he is holding his phone up with a picture on it. At first glance I didn't realize who it was. Melissa Etheridge? Chaz Bono? Ellen Degeneres? Ryan Seacrest? Oh, wait that's Rickey Martin. Then I read the title of the article Ricky Martin Announces To Internet He is Gay! Umm....Yahoo! say what?

Seriously, I thought we had established this at least five years ago. It was like if Richard Simmons had hosted a press conference to announce he was coming out of his glittery, spandex filled closet. Or Salt Lake City suddenly announcing there are polygamist living within their kinky borders. Somethings just don't have to be said...again.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Civil Wars

In lieu of an actual post here is a song from a group that I am IN LOVE with!!!!!!!! If you go back to some of my older posts you can see their video Poison and Wine. Words cannot describe.

Friday, March 12, 2010

29 Things

  1. I started this list by writing "28 Things" at the top and then realized "holy crap I'm not 28 anymore".

  2. I would love to open my own business but have only told one other person.

  3. The phrase "mac n' cheese" makes my brain want to explode. Just say macaroni. How much time does it take to say MAC-A-RONI?

  4. The word moist makes me feel icky.

  5. I am fairly certain that I will never get married and that makes me a little sad.

  6. I think I would be a kick ass contestant on big brother.

  7. I can eat tomatoes as long as I don't have to see them. If I see them all bets are off and my stomach may start a revolt.

  8. I once had carolers come to my house and when they were finished singing I said, "Umm...yeah...okay" and shut the door. Apparently, that was not the response they wanted.

  9. I would love to write a book but am sure that it will never happen. Besides, what do I have to say that is so interesting?

  10. When I was little I thought that I was adopted because my brother said that I was.

  11. I cry if I see a funeral procession.

  12. I HATE live CD's. I don't want to hear people screaming things like "I want you now Willie Nelson".

  13. I don't listen to or want Willie Nelson.

  14. I can't watch those commercials for toenail or cat claw clippers. They make me cringe and want to hurl.

  15. I once told a doctor that my testicles were swollen. I meant tonsils. He still asks about it when I see him.

  16. I like frozen coke. I like to put half cherry and half coke. The cherry has to be on the bottom though, cause if I see the cherry it freaks me out.

  17. I will only go in the ocean up to my knees. There are SHARKS in there people!!!!

  18. I get embarrassed very easy.

  19. I once had my panties fall down while I was walking through Winn-Dixie. I was wearing a skirt.

  20. I've never seen Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or pretty much any other popular movie.

  21. I could be an awesome vegetarian, except for the fact I love chicken.

  22. When I am stressed my right eye twitches.

  23. I sometimes have the humor of a 13 year old boy, I'm okay with that.

  24. I fight crime from my office with Mrs. Lilly White and F-Bomb.

  25. I have a cat named Marmalade. I commonly refer to her as Marmalade Pork Chop Wisdom.

  26. Bookstores make me want to take my shoes off. Maybe I feel at home. Maybe I'm just "special".

  27. I have never eaten a girl scout cookie.

  28. Escalators totally freak me out. I do okay going up but coming down is what's bad.

  29. I am a pretty good speller but if someone spells something to me out loud it's seriously like my brain shuts down and I'm like wait "d-r-i-v-e-t-h-r-u....d-r-i..okay drive. T-h-...I don't get it."